Tuscany - a short week in a villa near San Gimignano with Jim and Elaine, Brian and Carole.
Tuscany was just so much greener than we expected!
Cool and misty mornings
A most beautiful hill village
In spite of the crane.
The view back to our villa from San Gimignano
Rome is out there somewhere
But we're shopping in San Gimi (that's Elaine)
And Carole - not be outdone by Elaine
Meanwhile back at the Villa... Brian is working hard
And Jim is ???
My job was to smell the roses
And Victor's ... to select the wine
But there's never enough
Excursion to Sienna - possibly the most beautiful square in Italy (says the Guidebook)
Two out of two Canadian tourists agreed
We ate our usual three course meal
And peered into shops as old as time
And admired the architecture
Then back to our home in Tuscany
And more walks in San Gimi
With unexpected delights
If I showed you all the beautiful leather we bought, it would be many more pics!
Bella Tuscany!
All photos © KC Barker, GypsyChicken Productions 2007